Blood in your pee?
See your GP.
Welcome to BEAT Bladder Cancer Australia. We hope our patient-friendly information helps you feel informed, supported and inspired on your bladder cancer journey.
Bladder Cancer Information & Support
Please explore the information, experiences and practical advice to help you through your bladder cancer journey.

Bladder Cancer
• Is the 11th most common cancer in Australia.
• Affects people of all ages.
• Over 3000 Australians are diagnosed each year.
• Is much more treatable if detected early.
• The most common symptom is blood in the urine.
We are here to Help
Feeling anxious about your diagnosis and uncertain about the choices available to you?
Why not join our Support Group to talk to others who understand what a bladder cancer diagnosis really means and who can offer you a guiding hand?
Your Story
It helps to hear about other people’s experiences. You are not alone. Hear from patients and carers on their bladder cancer journey, how it changed their life, and how they are dealing with it.
If you would like to share your story, please contact us at
Patient & Carer Support
We are proud to offer the most comprehensive range of patient & carer support services ever available to bladder cancer patients in Australia.
We have collaborated with Australia’s leading cancer NFP organisations to provide a range of existing services as well as exciting new services. These offer emotional and practical support, as well as bladder cancer specific advise & support.