Living with Bladder Cancer

Bladder Cancer Living with Bladder Cancer

Here you will find information to help you with your health and wellbeing during your bladder cancer journey.

There is a wealth of evidence in medical literature to suggest that living a healthy lifestyle can improve health outcomes and quality of life. This can be achieved by integrating a range of services into the patient medical treatment plan which may include exercise, nutrition, complementary therapies and sexual intimacy. This holistic approach can lead to improvement of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.


Short video clips from health professionals explaining what this all means

Exercise Videos

Nutrition Videos

Wellness Videos

Integrative Health Videos

Intimacy After Cancer Treatment Videos


Further information to help you understand health & wellbeing in more depth

You are not alone. There is lots of very good informational, emotional, practical and peer support available to help you and your family.

Learn more...