Advanced Bladder Cancer

Bladder Cancer Advanced Bladder Cancer

Your bladder cancer treatment plan should be discussed in detail with all the relevant medical professionals and people closest to you. There are a range of potential treatment options available. Your medical team will assist you in selecting the best option according to your diagnosis.


Short video clips from patients/carers and medical professionals explaining what to expect


Further information to help you understand bladder cancer treatment options in more depth

There are many options. Don’t feel overwhelmed. We’ve provided you with a detailed easy-to-understand guide to the various treatments, what they entail, why they may have been recommended for you and what their outcomes may be.

This 1-page flowchart will guide you through all your Advanced bladder cancer treatment options, and the order they are likely to happen. We will keep it up to date so it includes all new treatments as they become available.

Finding out about clinical trials can be extremely complicated & confusing. We’ve provided information to help explain all about clinical trials and given you the most user-friendly method to search for clinical trials.

You are not alone. There is lots of very good informational, emotional, practical and peer support available to help you and your family.

It is really important to consider your health and wellbeing during your bladder cancer treatment. Here is some great advice.


Questions to help you have informed discussions with your medical professionals

Download these questions to take to your Oncologist when discussing clinical trials.

Download these questions to take to your Oncologist when discussing advanced cancer or palliative care.